The Benefits of Supplementing with Chromium
Studies into the benefits of chromium supplementation in livestock diets have shown:
It plays a key role in lipid, protein, and nucleic acid metabolism in livestock, allowing more energy to be utilised from the feed in normal pastures.
It positively affects milk production in cows and has a profound effect on calf growth
It alleviates the negative effects of stress by improving the health and performance of livestock
It improves immune function
It helps with heat stress (it takes energy to cool down or to warm up the animal)
It provides more energy to the cells, useful for gidgee & heart leaf poisoning where the energy is cut off at the cell level.
Chromium helps enhance the effect of insulin, stimulating the glucose uptake by organs and muscle. This aids in the production of energy from carbohydrates, fats and protein. This means the animal has more energy to help with maintenance, reproduction, growth, performance and immunity.
The top right image shows the cells without chromium. The available glucose is not efficiently transported to the cells. However, with the addition of chromium (lower right image) the insulin receptors increase the glucose metabolism.
View this brochure for more information.
Amata, I. (2013). Chromium in Livestock Nutrition: A Review. Global Advanced Research Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 2(12) 289-306.
Ewing, W. C. (2007). The Minerals Directory. Leicestershire: Context.
www.kemin.com. (n.d.). KEMTRACETM Chromium For Stress Management | Kemin Asia. [online] Available at: https://www.kemin.com/ap/en/markets/animal/products/kemtrace-chromium

Insulin stimulates glucose uptake by cells.
Chromium optimises the activation of the insulin receptor.
The cell increases glucose uptake.
The additional glucose allows for more energy to be available for proper cell function, which can boost the animal’s immunity maintenance and reproductive performance.